
Okay, just reading an article about wearing a mask might have made your body shift in a particular way. Did your shoulders tense up? Maybe you are unconsciously holding your breath? A Mask & Your Nervous System Walk into a Public Place… You are not alone if just thinking about wearing a mask made your nervous system sw…

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots are in hell.” Carl Jung Let us appreciate and honor our own “roots!” To me that means to visit the “underground’ — our shadow, our shame, our pain. Pain is painful, but ignoring one’s feelings, abandoning the Self is more painful. Being with our pain and shame c…

En español, libre de costo, con Prof. Isidro Gordi, por ZOOM.. Este seminario-retiro se llevará a cabo en 5 sesiones, un sábado por mes entre agosto y diciembre. Es libre de costo pero se aceptarán donativos para hacerle una aportación al facilitador del curso. Detalles a continuación… El Sutra del Corazón revela una d…

Distance Healing verifies three things I’ve learned in my time on this planet: we are all connected, where you end, I begin, and vice versa No matter how hard we try to control it, nothing is exactly as it appears to be. Distance Healing really works.

While we’re in this very stressful time and even though you can’t leave the house, there are ways to start or continue therapy and have someone to talk to right where you are.  Some are even free. We’re all dealing with the challenges of fatigue and fear, uncertainty and physical isolation, sometimes faring well, other…

It absolutely doesn’t work to try  to stuff our feelings and impose calm. “Get  over it.” “Think lovely thoughts.” All those positive thinking methods share the same problem: they ignore what is so. What is ignored remains the same. This practice is simply a way to be present to yourself: Turn toward what troubles you…

A Little Bit of Hope

A bit of hope written by Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM Ireland March 13th 2020”   “Lockdown Yes there is fear. Yes there is isolation. Yes there is panic buying. Yes there is sickness. Yes there is even death. But, They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise You can hear the birds again. They say that after just a…

Give mindfulness a try. Not knowing what the future holds is one of the reasons why people feel anxious right now. That’s why it’s effective to try to be in the present moment, practicing meditation and mindfulness and focusing, which encourages you to notice what’s happening with your feelings in the moment in a compa…

Please take advantage of these resources provided by our members to the Heartwood community during this challenging time. Below you will find a variety of resources, from videos to blogs. Please follow up with the practitioner directly if you have any comments or questions. Blogs From Arlene Faulk, Tai Chi: Managing St…

During this challenging time, some of our members are now providing tele- or video- offerings. Please take a look and take advantage of these special offers, videos, and telehealth opportunities from our practitioners. Please reach out to the instructor directly for more information. CLICK HERE to access the list of He…