What is Energy Healing & Who Benefits from it?

Posted on June 14, 2023

What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is committed, consistent care for your energy body. Your energy body includes your chakras and aura, and is referred to as the Astral body. The Astral body is your emotional body, and it’s where all of your patterns, behaviors, beliefs are held – the good stuff and the not so good stuff!

Everyone knows that it is important to take care of your physical body, with good food, sleep, and physical activity. Well, your energy body needs maintaining too. Since energy is at the root of all things, when taking care of this field you take care of your whole self.

You can work with an energy healing practitioner to address long held patterns and behaviors that you’d like to release. I see clients regularly for this kind of work. I also teach clients self-care skills so that they can continue their work when they’re not in session with me. It’s very helpful for shifting and moving through difficult patterns more quickly.

Who Benefits from Energy Healing?

  • Anyone committed to their healing and evolution

  • Willing to do some inner work to be grounded

  • Interested in regulation so that they may operate in current time

  • Committed to clear their field, so they can lead the life they choose.

People often turn to energy healing when they want to make a change in their life from a pattern that holds them back, or they have been doing most of their life. They’re ready to put it down and live an aligned and authentic life of their choosing.

Some may be in therapy to get context, meaning, and intellectually understand things, but remain stuck. Energy healing compliments therapy by clearing out the stuck energy patterns to allow change to occur.

How does Energy Healing support change and evolution?

Attending to your energy system and caring for it supports your health and evolution. Everything is comprised of energy, when your energy is vibrant and vital, really humming, you are radiant!

So, how do you do that?

Several ways I help clients attend to their energy field:

  1. Presence – we often start with Grounding, being in the here and now, connected to the Earth.

  2. Self-awareness – next I teach you chakra regulation so you are in touch with your own emotional landscape.

  3. Containment – maintaining energy boundaries and self-awareness to anchor your energy and prevent merging.

  4. Clearing – old emotional and behavioral patterns that no longer serve you or inhibit you from being who you really are.

Energy Healing and your physical body

Energy Healing also helps those dealing with physical issues, illnesses and pain syndromes.

We all have a myriad of emotions, and each one of those we either feel or repress. When an emotion makes you feel uncomfortable, do you avoid it? If so (and trust me, all of us do this), we’re repressing the emotion. It’s leaving our emotional body and landing in the energy system of our physical body.

Over time, it’s possible to burden your physical body’s energy system with enough repressed emotion that it can contribute to, or even cause illness and/or pain.

Energy Healing addresses both the physical complaints and the paired emotional and behavioral patterns that accompany them. Addressing them both is where true healing and evolution can emerge.

Energy Healing Examples

Maybe a couple of examples would demonstrate this.

Amy worked with me to address her empathic sensitivity. She realized she would get overwhelmed being out in the world from the constant pattern of absorbing other people’s emotions and energy. As a result, she was often at a loss to know what she herself was feeling. After working on this pattern with energy containment, regulation and clearing, she now recognizes what she feels, can go out to the grocery store or a concert, and fully live her life without getting overwhelmed.

Kyle came in to work on his caretaking. He noticed he was always quick to do things for others but he failed to get his own needs met. As the eldest child, his parents expected him to be responsible for and take care of his younger siblings. His lower back was often in pain, and he was able to connect his physical pain to his resentment and anger at being expected to take care of others. He realized it was time to make a change, and once we connected the dots and began clearing his field regularly, he got in touch with his own needs and he acts on them. He has found a new way to be in loving relationships with healthy boundaries, giving and receiving.

What patterns would you like to shift?

Are you ready to evolve?

Come see me at Heartwood, let’s get to work.

Sarah Bernauer

I am a certified Energy Healing Practitioner from the Energy Healing Institute. My certification practicum included more than 200 hours of supervised practice client activities, as well as ongoing didactic and experiential learning. I create active partnerships with my clients, supporting their inner work and facilitating healing through clearing sessions and sharing tools and practices for the client to use outside of our sessions. It is a privilege to work with my clients and to witness their embodiment, empowerment and conscious awareness evolve as they shift, grow and heal.

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