Spring Peek-a-Boo & False Starts

Posted on April 17, 2022

When my daughter was very little, she used to cover her eyes, and pretend that I couldn’t see her. She’d giggle with delight as I walked around the room saying, “Where’s is she?! Oh, my goodness, she disappeared!!”

Then all at once she would yank her hands down, regaining ‘visibility’ and squeal with delight at my awed gasps. ” How did you do that!?” I’d exclaim. Of course, this would happen several more times, my daughter enjoying her newfound superpower.

Spring is like that: innocent and sly, playing peek-a-boo. Are you feeling the fun? Or do the false starts of Spring spoil the game? The simultaneous starts and stops of pandemic recovery could make a cynic of any of us. And while pandemic recovery is certainly not a game, Spring is psyching us out saying “not yet, just a little longer, be patient… I promise this glorious rebound of color and new life is coming.”

On Saturday April 30th Heartwood is hosting a Spring Event. As homage to this process of growth and rebirth we are giving away seed packets of Nemophila, a lovely little heirloom annual that pollinators love. It’s a bold spring bloomer, tolerant of cooler temperatures, but sensitive to frost.

Could planting those tiny seeds somehow help us emerge from the pandemic? Are we similar to those vulnerable seeds, sunk in the dark earth of a long pandemic, waiting? Do we just need the right conditions, some sun, proper hydration and nurturing from a patient gardener to emerge?

The Practitioners at Heartwood chose “Planting Seeds” as the theme of this event because this simple act mirrors our own journey back to health & wellness. We are professional “Gardeners of the Heart.” It’s our life’s work to guide others out of dark places. It’s our job to brave the long wait with you. Together we might even notice the deep strong roots you’re growing and the tough outer shell you’re breaking through. The signs of life and new growth are there, vulnerable but willing to play the game of life.

Please join us Saturday April 30th to discover all the ways it’s possible to emerge. Spring will be in full swing, glorious and calling you out to play. And to get your free seeds!

Click here to register and learn more about the free mini-classes and massage samples, and the $1 raffle: Heartwood’s Practitioners have donated thousands of dollars in free services to this raffle. You have to be there to win!

Sarah Westbrook

As a Yoga Therapist, I meet individually with clients to improve posture, address pain and injuries, and reach states of profound relaxation. My specialties are Scoliosis, spine and joint instability, and Osteoporosis.

I customize movement practices for clients with vastly different needs, from equestrians to CrossFitters, long distance runners to the highly sedentary. I have over 10,400 hours of clinical experience and professional training using Yoga to address musculoskeletal imbalances that contribute to recurring pain.

In Yoga Therapy, the goal is not to rehearse poses, but discover how to move more efficiently, effectively, and without tension. This approach allows the nervous system to let go of defensive patterns of tightness and painful reactivity.

Your body can excel within its design parameters. Your body can heal once we know how to navigate the obstacles to healing. Your mind can quiet and soften. I am here to help you find your way.