Feel the Love

Posted on October 29, 2022

May the winds of heaven blow softly in your ear and tell you how much you are loved.
~Adapted from an Irish blessing

I feel Love in the trees and from the bees, in the wind and when birds sing. Robin Wall Kimmerer, in her book Braiding Sweetgrass, writes at length about this nurturing Nature love and ways we can reciprocate. I reciprocate by paying it forward; channeling love to clients through my hands and with my attention. CranioSacral therapists teach “neutral” touch, not “loving” touch; but to me they are the same. I don’t try to fix or change, I love with neutrality. I think the trees and plants do too. And as Carl Rogers said, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” Accepting ourselves as we are can be powerfully therapeutic.

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya, Pexels

Nancy Paul

Nancy Paul, M.A., LMT, uses her training in counseling psychology and bodywork to help clients experience acceptance and wholeness. She integrates elements of energywork, inner dialogue, and spirituality to help clients access resources beneath their level of consciousness, to use their bodies to explore their psyche, and to embrace all parts of themselves.

Nancy facilitates harmony by listening deeply and encouraging inner dialogue. Clients are gently guided towards psycho-spiritual health through an approach that integrates elements of various gentle approaches such as guided meditation, EMDR, CranioSacral Therapy, inner dialogue, Reiki, and Zero Balancing. She tunes into the body/mind/psyche as one and helps clients find mindful acceptance and peace.

Credentials: M.A., LMT

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