Holistic Paths to Wellbeing

In this supportive group, you can slow down and learn to cultivate mindfulness, a gentle curiosity toward your felt sense.

An image of golden light step stones

Guided exercises will help you tap into new information from your felt sense which provides further wisdom.

When information comes there is an easing, a shift from feeling stuck and static to an opening to new feelings and energy.

You’ll develop deeper trust in your own inner resources.

The class will help participants to:

  • Hear your inner felt sense to discover more feelings and energy your body is holding
  • Learn more self-compassion
  • Move beyond being stuck and into what you really want for your life
  • Describe what you feel without judging it  
  • Discover how compassion and curiosity open new possibilities
  • Become mindfully present to be calmer and more grounded

First Saturdays Mindfulness class, 10 to 11:00 am. Registration required. Fee $25. Next classes are: June 2, July 7, August 4.  Please contact Marsha to register for any of the classes.

Facilitator: Marsha Smith, LCSW, Certified Focusing Therapist, is an experiential psychotherapist and trainer in private practice, in Evanston and Chicago. She teaches body-mind methods for psychotherapy and self care. www.marshasmithcounseling.com

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