Yoni Steaming

To Schedule Your Appointment
Appointments are made by contacting practitioners directly at the numbers or email addresses listed.

Core Members

Evelina Milosevic

My name is Evelina Milosevic. I am the founder and owner of The White Orchid Wellness Center – Certified and Mastering in Yoni Steaming/Clearing, Reiki, Womb Reiki, and Mentorship. 

You may be asking yourself what is the mission? My mission is to empower and connect each woman to the goddess center within. Occasionally, we may find that there may be some constrictions or imbalances that sits in our chakras which blocks us from manifesting our true desires and awakening to our divine purpose. By focusing on healing and releasing these blocks and obstacles we can begin to engage with our community and with the universe in a much more robust and positive way.  This is my purpose to reconnect you to who you truly are which is a divine, loving, and a powerful being. 

312.560.7441 | Email | Website

Juanita Ahuehuetzin Montoya

I graduated from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in 2020 and have since then provided bodywork for women in their reproductive journeys.  I specialize in body balancing and Breech Release. I’m also a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM), certified by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) and qualified to provide the Midwives Model of Care.  I have over 10 years of experience providing bodywork, labor and birth support to families across IL and WI.  My work is informed by my dedication and commitment to continuous learning. I hold a BA in Cultural Anthropologist, LMT, traditional sobadora/bodyworker, Certified Parent Educator for Spinning Babies, Spinning Babies Aware Practitioner/Breech Balancing, Childbirth Educator, Yoni Steam Facilitator, and craniosacral therapist. My work is always reflective of the individual needs of each client.

Credentials: CPM, LMT, SpBCPE, SpBAP

847.903.5383 | Email | Website